Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Whom shall I fear?

A qualification before I begin. Sometimes when I am in the midst of worship, it is almost like the Holy Spirit is playing a YouTube video in my mind of all the different people in my life and their struggles. And while I may never actually know what it is they are truly going through, for a moment I feel their hurt and the weight of their burden rests upon me. And at the same time, I feel the strength within me that they need to make it. It is in these Holy Spirit inspired and empowered moments that I am able to truly rock intersession for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express" (Romans 8:26).

As we sang the following song this past Sunday, I had just such an experience. Again, most of what I am sharing comes from the trials of other people. I fully realize that I am taking some liberties with the application of the verse in this song as David was writing about his enemies and I am translating that to "things." Changing the whom in some cases to what. Please forgive me.

Darrell Evans: Whom Shall I Fear {from Psalm 27:1}

I Will seek You, Lord,
While I am in my youth
I will serve You, Lord,
And I'll proclaim Your truth
While I was far away
Always keep me safe.

The Lord is my light, and my salvation
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
The Lord is the stronghold of my life
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear

As we sang, I praised through my prayers:

The Lord is my light, and my salvation
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
My uncooperative womb? - NO

The Lord is the stronghold of my life
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
The cancer or other sickness taking up residence in a body? - NO

The Lord is my light, and my salvation
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
An unfaithful partner? - NO

The Lord is the stronghold of my life
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
The unstable economy? - NO

The Lord is my light, and my salvation
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
A broken relationship? - NO

The Lord is the stronghold of my life
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
A sick child? - NO

The Lord is my light, and my salvation
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
The judgement of men, even fellow Christians? - NO

The Lord is the stronghold of my life
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
An uncertain future? - NO

The Lord is my light, and my salvation
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
The corrupt world that surrounds us? - NO

The Lord is the stronghold of my life
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
The decisions of others or a circumstance that is beyound our control? - NO

The Lord is my light, and my salvation
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
Our own propensity for sin? - NO

The Lord is the stronghold of my life
Whom shall I fear, Whom shall I fear
The dangers some face in real persecution? - NO

Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?

"If God is for us, who {or what} can be against us?" (Romans 8:31). We are the only true Untouchables. Now let us stand at arms together with the strength of our Lord in this battle called life.

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