Thursday, April 9, 2009

Identity, Security and Unity in Christ

Why do I have the overwhelming urge to always prove that I am right, especially when it comes to "spiritual" matters? Why, when I am engaging a Catholic brother in a conversation, do I feel the hairs on the back of my neck go up and then allow myself to go on the defensive regarding my beliefs? Who am I really trying to convince when I vehemently debate doctrinal issues that have nothing to do with whether or not God accepts a person?

Could it be that I am finding my identity and security in doctrine instead of the Person of Jesus Christ?

Scary thought, considering, "None of us has a corner on the truth. And if a person thinks he does, he's deluded. In the words of Paul, 'We know in part' (1 Cor. 13:9, from Viola)."

More on this matter from Reimagining Church by Frank Viola:

"People are accepted by God because they have repented and trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ. Again, if a person belongs to the Lord, he or she is part of the body of Christ. And on that basis alone are we to accept them into fellowship."

"I believe that spiritual discernment is one of the most pressing needs among Christians today. But it's fundamentally unbiblical and profoundly unchristian to go about scrutinizing our fellow brethren with a critical eye.

The Bible warns against those who are ruled by a prideful, faultfinding spirit (OUCH!). This is the very spirit that marks the accuser of the brethren - the master divider of Christ's body (Jude 15; Rev. 12:10 - OUCH, again!). If we make the Lord our sole pursuit, He will show us when falsehood is present. But if we're always seeking to smell the whiff of error in others, we'll be sure to miss the Lord when He is speaking through one of His little ones."

"With all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:2-3).

May my life have only one pursuit, one obsession, one goal, and one grand purpose: to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ. And in that pursuit and obsession may I find the strength to lay down the mantle of needing to be right (whatever that means) in order to experience true communion with ALL my brothers and sisters in Christ.


EGG's Dad said...

"Could it be that I am finding my identity and security in doctrine instead of the Person of Jesus Christ?"

Just so you know, I'm still listening and learning from your insights...

Thank you for sharing.

Chacha said...

I am currently listening to Rush and reading, so I must say, "Ditto".