Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Quotes from A Three Dog Life

"Suffering is the finest teacher. It teaches you details." (p.10)

"The season is changing, I take Harry (the dog) to the park and watch the leaves turning underfoot. There is something else I don't know yet, something I'm straining to feel, as subtle as the change in humidity or temperature, or the shift in light as summer becomes fall, the most beautiful season, with its gift of beauty in loss, and the promise of something more to come." (p. 24)

Emphasis mine.


Uncle ChaCha said...

Well since I have failed to respond to your last one like I told myself I would, I thought I had better reply ASAP on this one.

The scary thing is when I read the last post on "fear" I was dealing with "fear" in my life. I have been dealing with some health issues which after a few weeks "fear" starts to take over like: will you ever feel better or is this the begining of something really, really bad. But have no "fear", it looks like my body w/o the gall bladder does not like beef. I have not eaten beef in about two weeks and have been feeling much better. TMI? Sorry.

Then this Sunday and yesterday, I am dealing with a lot of "change" in regards to our sunday school schedule. We are being moved back to the 11:00am hour and to another room. Change? I don't like change for the most part. Expecially changes not based on my decisions. But growing things change. Valley is growing and adding a fourth service. A great problem to have.

So another right on entry. What to go Misty!

Misty said...

Does this mean that you need me to take up the slack in your In and Out Burger consumption? Because, for you and the burgs, I would be willing to move back to Bako. I am always available to help a brotha out!