Sunday, February 22, 2009

Why the name covered in dust?

All of you familiar with Rob Bell and his book Velvet Elvis, already know what I am referring to in the title of my blog. But for everyone else and as a reminder to myself, I will share what the phrase "covered in dust" means. The best way I know how to do this is to share an excerpt from Mr. Bell's book:

"A friend of mine was in Israel a few years ago and saw a rabbi (Jewish teacher) go into a bathroom and his talmidim (students) followed him. They didn't want to miss anything the rabbi might say or do.

This kind of devotion is what it means to be a disciple.

One of the earliest sages of the Mishnah, Yose Ben Yoezer, said to disciples, 'Cover yourself with the dust of your rabbi's feet.' (page 130)"

That's it. That is what I want from my life. To keep following. Chasing Jesus. Walking directly behind Him, striving to follow Him and His teachings so closely that I have the dust from His feet all over me. After all the only thing that matters is Christ.

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