Sunday, July 19, 2009

Becoming that which you already are...

Inspiration can come from the most unlikely places. And this instance is no exception. Steven had recorded a new drama directed by Jerry Bruckheimer and was watching it while I was in the same room preparing photos to be posted on the family blog. I won’t go into the nitty gritty details of the show, but you might need to know the overall premise to understand the quote that struck me while I as “listening.”

The show chronicles the deeply undercover work of a specialized group of Los Angeles policemen and women. The assignments obviously include elaborate “cover” stories, or second lives, that the people must lead in order to get to the bad guys. At a crucial point in the pilot, one of the more seasoned agents is sharing with the newby regarding the difficult balance it takes to keep your real self separate from the “cover” self and the confusion that sometimes blurs the line in understanding who the real you actually is.

He states, “How long can you pretend to be something before you become it? Right?”

At which point I turned to Steven and said, “That could be true both good and bad.” I would simply like to replace the word “pretend” with “believe,” and I think we are onto something.

It reminded me of a tween fantasy-adventure series called The Wilderking Trilogy which is the re-telling of the story of King David only in an imaginary world that is fashioned after the woods, rivers and swamps of the southern half of Georgia. It has a definite Lewis, Tolkien feel to it. At one point in the story, the “prophet” known as Bayard the Truthspeaker visits Lord Errol’s land and announces that his youngest son, Aidan is destined to be the much prophesied “Wilderking.” I will never forget a conversation the prophet has with the would be king (I would quote it directly, but my library collection is in storage at this point in time).

The prophet says that Aidan is the Wilderking, but Aidan asks how he is supposed to become the Wilderking. To which the prophet simply states, “Live the life that is in front of you.”

There it is. You are. Believe that you are (or in some cases pretend to believe until you actually do). Live the life in front of you. And you become that which you already are.

Hopefully that is clear as mud. Makes sense in my head, but the words seem to mess it all up. Maybe a few examples would help.

1. I am victorious (1 John 5:4; 1 Corinthians 15:57). Believing that I am victorious, I live the life in front of me. I become victorious.
2. I am holy and blameless (Eph. 1:4; 1 Corinthians 1:8). Believing that I am holy and blameless, I live the life in front of me. I become holy and blameless.
3. I am set free (Romans 8:2; John 8:32). Believing that I am set free, I live the life in front of me. I become set free.
4. I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37). Believing that I am more than a conqueror, I live the life in front of me. I become more than a conqueror.
5. I am the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). Believing that I am the righteousness of God, I live the life in front of me. I become the righteousness of God.
6. I am a light in the world (Matthew 5:14). Believing that I am a light in the world, I live the life in front of me. I become a light in the world.
7. I am Christ’s friend (John 15:15). Believing that I am Christ’s friend, I live the life in front of me. I become Christ’s friend.
8. Etc, etc, etc.

What is your cover story? And how close is it to the truth of who the Bible says you are in Christ? Believe, live and become the truth.

1 comment:

EGG's Dad said...

I think there is something to the negative side of things to that keep us from "becoming" what we are, that being children of the KING!!!

If we think we are unworthy...
If we think we do not belong...

I can't think right now but I think you understand where my engineering mind is wandering.