Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More quotes from that book - Thanks Leisa

{I want to be safe - that place where people can fail and still be loved.}

{So here's the bottom line. Do I want to stand before God's throne and say I kept a clean house, I made sure my child was athletic, musical, artistic, adn got good grades, I was present at all the important church activities, and I changed the oil in my car every three thousand miles because I was such a good steward of my blessings?

Is that all I will have to show for the gift of life? Dear God, I hope not.}

{Church happens, I learned today. It doesn't always have to be programmed and planned, pulled out of the Body like a splinter from raw flesh, leaving bits behind to fester in its wake. The Holy Spirit put in a visit too. I know that because I'm a Christian, and sometimes we just know these things.}

{Something happens to our little group. We solidify into a community, a single purpose ahead of us, a goal in sight, a small journey we agreed to take together. And that precious eupohoria of doing good together reaches out and ties us close.

I love that feeling. You know what I think it is? God smiling.

Yep, nothing profound, just a few humans in relation to God and each other doing holy work that will bring themselves no benefit other than the joy of serving others. Now this is church.}

{Good heavens, some people are just naturals to this stuff! God should have called Laney, not me. Then again, God called Moses, and Aaron was the one who could do the talking. Because there are a million miles between what God should do and what He does.}

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