Thursday, June 4, 2009


.....for almost allowing two months to go by without adding another post. Although, I do think that Huck, Uncle Cha Cha and CAT may be the only people in the world that are keeping track, in other words - that care.

In no particular order:
  1. Moved (or sold) the contents of a 2800 sq ft house into a 1700 sq ft duplex with many items now living at the homes of my mother and sister.
  2. SLOWLY adjusting to the fact that the critter now takes only ONE NAP! How did this happen?
  3. If you could see the condition of my bathroom, who am I kidding, the entire house - you would understand how I might find it difficult to justify spending time at the computer typing entries into my blog. See #2.
  4. Now living in civilization with so many places to go and people to see. My hermit days are finally over which actually means that I am spending way too much time at Target!
  5. A deep, painful misunderstanding along with years of unrealized offenses resulting in the soul-shaking death of what at one time could have been a beautiful, life-long friendship. Not as pleasant as it sounds.
  6. Received a topic request from my brother-in-law, and in not wanting to let him down or to discount the honor that I feel that he actually reads my blog, I have been rumenating over said topic. Finding it hard to continue writing other personal entries until I have addressed his request. Each day that I allow to pass without writing adds to the pressure I feel to write. The pressure creates writer's block. Vicious cycle. Ironic, huh? That by NOT writing about SOMETHING, I am actually disappointing him which is what I set out to avoid in the first place. How do I get off this train?
  7. Did I mention that the mall is only 5 minutes away?
  8. In addition to the pressure referenced in #6, I have also convinced myself that after such a long hiatus - my first entry back has to be FABULOUS. Publishers should be knocking down my door. Bam! Here comes that brick wall again! Perfectionism and unrealistic expectations cripple me at times. Most of the time. Okay, all of the time. So you should actually be very proud that I took this step - merely making a list. No Pulitzer material here. I am just hoping that the flood gates will open yet again; and all the ramblings/neurosis that have been bouncing around in my head over the last month and a half will find coherent form (and that I will be disciplined enough to spend the time to type them out).
  9. I have yet to respond to email inquiries from friends wondering how we are doing in the new place. Again, hard to justify blogging while neglecting friendships. And yes, after this I will be sitting on the couch reading my book and then taking a little nap. Someday the guilt will destroy me. What is the best way to avoid guilt - you said it, SLEEP.

Check back soon for CAT's requested topic. By the way, do you have any idea how hard it was for me to stop the list at #9? But I did it, and no, I am not going to log back on in a few minutes after racking my brain for another excuse just to make it an even 10. Maybe this OCD thing really isn't a problem for me after all.

Oops. I just thought of another one, but for the sake of principle I am choosing to leave it out. My strength amazes me sometimes. And without medication.

Back again soon for more musings.......


Emmylou's Daddy said...

Glad to have you back!

Anonymous said...

Since you know that I read what you write and try to undertand it. Please try to use smaller words. What does "rumenating" mean?

Anonymous said...

I am new to this blogging thing and I have to figure out how to have my name "Uncle Cha Cha" post with my post but for now I am Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

chacha said...
"Splanchnizomai" That is what is missing in most Western Christians' lives.

April 22, 2009 12:35 PM

I guess I figured it out on 4/22/09 at 12:35 PM but it has been so long ago I guess I forgot. Good thing I don't have a problem with OCD and will be able to get back to work w/o figuring this thing out.

rachel c said...

I'm digging your list. I think lists totally rock. =)

sorry to hear about the passing of a nap. Nap-loss is real and should be greived. It's a sad day, sister.

love you.